For any red-blooded American kid who grew up in the 1980s, your
required viewing is now Stranger Things.
The editors at Nitflix command you.
The only excuse you have is if you are still in the dark ages and aren’t
streaming, or if your budget doesn’t allow for a streaming service. The latter excuse we can accept.
Season 2 of Stranger Things was released on Netflix today. Aside from being a great story, Stranger
Things’ popularity is due the films from which it draws upon (E.T., Close
Encounters, The Goonies, D.A.R.Y.L., etc…), and the memories that are stirred
within us as a result.
Stranger Things allows us to reminisce of a time where the
smartest phones were cordless at best, you could walk yourself to school
without parental supervision and Google was known as the local library.
These are some of the nuanced limitations of
the world in which we grew up. Capturing
a time and place as Stranger Things does so perfectly, cannot be cheated.
From the cars and clothing, to the school desks and movie
projectors, everything must be accurate.
Nothing can be left to chance for fear of nitpicky bloggers, like yours
truly, who will pick at every last detail and make sure that every object, live
or inanimate, is temporally up to snuff.
You can’t have a 1990s model Lexus coupe driving through the
streets of 1980s Hawkins, Indiana. Get
our drift?
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