Thanks to YouTube, we are privy to our favorite inspirational
speeches and pep talks from movies, immediately accessible for the exact moment
when our emotions need to be lifted, penetrating the window to the soul of our
inner hero.
The editors of Nitflix implore the reader to screen the ‘Six Minutes’ speech from Vision Quest.
Some background on the scene:
Elmo (J.C. Quinn) is talking to his co-worker and film’s protagonist
Louden (Matthew Modine) before his big wrestling match versus State Champion,
Brian Shute.
Louden is amazed that Elmo would get all gussied up and give up a
night’s pay for “Six lousy minutes on the mat.”
Stoically and eloquently, Elmo shoots down Louden’s minimization of the
match. There’s no rah-rah or metaphors
about life. No talk of winning or
losing. No mention of a life wasted due
to time passed.
“It ain’t the six minutes.
It’s what happens in that six minutes.”, Elmo says.
It’s bone chilling, honest and virtually chastises Loudon (and us)
for thinking otherwise.
It gets us every time
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