Monday, July 17, 2017


Martin Landau applied to the prestigious The Actors Studio in 1955 and was one of two candidates out of 100 to be accepted.  His classmate was Steve McQueen.

Arguably his most complex undertaking as a classically trained actor was in Woody Allen’s Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989), where he expertly plays a moral, upstanding doctor, fraught with guilt after he hires a hitman to kill his mistress (Angelica Houston) when she threatens to tell his wife about the affair.  He was Oscar-nominated for Best Supporting Actor, but would end up winning five years later for his role in Ed Wood (1994), for his spot-on portrayal of Bela Lugosi as the aging former horror movie actor-turned-junkie, relegated to the parts he gets in Wood’s slapdash, B-movies.

In the opinion of the editors at Nitflix, he should really have two Oscars and highly recommend Crimes and Misdemeanors.

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